Our heart & soul is all about reaching people & filling heaven.


we call the CHAMPION out of people

We believe there are enough places in the world to hear what you aren't or what you couldn't be. We believe the church should be a place where you can hear all about what God can do in and through you.

We strive to challenge and encourage everyone that walks through the doors of Heart and Soul.

we bring our own WEATHER

As followers of Jesus, we believe that we set the tone of every environment that we enter. We believe we should leave things better than we found them, and our attitude should always express our love for Jesus. We believe that the Holy Spirit enters any room that we enter, so as we enter, the atmosphere should change. 

We are all about bringing a good attitude to any situation regardless of circumstance, and a heart of gratitude through serving others. 

we do WHATEVER it takes

We will do anything short of sin to see people come to Jesus. We believe that people matter to God, so we should do whatever we can to see people meet God. We believe our pursuit of excellence honors God and inspires people. We believe that creativity is at the heart of God, so we will continue to pursue creativity as a way to reach more and more people with the Gospel.

we are a PARTY

We believe the message of Jesus is the best message in the world! So, we refuse to make it boring! We believe it is vital to celebrate every single time someone's life is changed, marriage is restored, or goal is reached. We believe that fun is the glue that brings unity in any circle of people - including church - so we laugh a lot! 

If you don't like to have fun, you probably won't like Heart and Soul.